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Afternoon Tea Party Art Exhibition


An afternoon tea party and art exhibition was held at the Lygon Arms Hotel in Broadway on Sat 25th March. Forty six people attended including the two guest speakers, Dr Marianne Rankin and WFWP UK Director Mrs Mitty Tohma and the artist and organiser, Mrs Karen Grant.

A raffle was held of gifts and services donated locally. Four paintings were sold and the total amount raised to support the Afghan ladies was £770.64.

One lady, Dr Rankin's sister took up membership of WFWP at the introductory offer of £25. Mrs Tohma introduced the organisation and mentioned some of the projects undertaken including interfaith work, peace garden project, bridge of peace ceremonies and humanitarian aid overseas. She spoke a bit about the Afghan project in India. She mentioned about the suffering of men and boys as well as women and girls as a result of war, which affects whole families. Dr Rankin spoke about art and spiritiuality, the healing aspects of art and of how art helps us to connect more deeply with the beauty of the world around us and similarities and differences between Eastern and Western art. Also that the creatie impulse is inate in us all. Dr Rankin has been the Chair of the Alistair Hardy Trust for many years and she mentioned how its founder, a marine biologist found great comfort through painting and relief from the stresses his job brought him.

Mrs Grant rounded up the afternoon, thanking both speakers and adding the thought that if more people picked up a paint brush, there would be fewer wars in the world!

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