We had a wonderful Peace Seminar on Saturday May 20th, with so many very special friends, creating a lovely atmosphere for Dr David Hanna to share the Principles of Peace with us. The event was held under the umbrella of WFWP and UPF, in relation to the United Nations Day for the Family. About 170 people, young and old, representing all our different faiths, cultures and nationalities attended throughout the day! Some were prominent faith and community leaders, while others represented the 'grassroots' of society, including several who arrived recently as refugees from the Ukraine.
In 3 presentations, Dr Hanna gave an overview of the ideal, our reality, and the journey towards a world of peace, and then shared about the lives of WFWP and UPF's founders, Father and Mother Moon, with many inspiring quotations from their words. We could also explain about all the different practical activities of WFWP and UPF, putting theory into practice.
We heard words of encouragement from Rev Marcia Levine (New Jerusalem Church), Sheikh Nuru Mohammed (Al Abbas Islamic Centre), and Mrs Swaran Talwar (Indian Ladies Club). We had a lot of informal sharing during the day, including over a vegetarian lunch, old friendships were renewed, and many new friendships were made. Everyone gained a lot from the Peace Seminar, feeling inspired and lifted up, taking away something to share with family and friends. A number of us really worked hard on the day, allowing everything to go smoothly. We genuinely felt the spirit of God with us throughout the day.
